Beginning of Spring my husband prepared a small garden for me , thought will be fun to grow own veggie and cook food which is come from own yard. At that time we were not too serious to plant many kind of vegetables. We just choose some seeds that we like , such : eggplant, cucumber, tomatoes and off course bird chilly (Capsicum frutescens) .
Today some of vegetables grow so good . Unfortunately not for chili *yups..!! my husband just laughing when I cry for my poor chili ^_^ . He hate chili so bad .
It was so funny because me and my husband come from different country so I cooked a different kind of eggplant dish. And when dinner time come everybody happy with own favorite dish :-)
We just happy with our garden, and plan to make a bigger than today for next year. As I can say, not only my husband worked hard for that garden but my 2 years old daughter too ^_^
And this is my entry for Event "GROW YOUR OWN" hosting by Bee & Jai From JUGALBANDI, one of my Indonesian favorite dish , and will posting another eggplant dish next time

Terong Pedes Teri / Indonesian's Hot Eggplants Dish

6 medium Eggplant
50 gr dried fried small anchovies
2 bay leaves
1 tsp brown sugar
1 tsp galanggal powder
10 red chillies
5 small shallots
3 cloves garlic
2 tsp cooked dried shrimp powder
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
vegetable oil
Peel the eggplants and cut them length-wise, fry for 5 - 10 minute, until all sides are golden brown - set aside.
Fry small anchovies - or if you like you can choose shrimp or any kind of sea food - set aside.
With food processor, blend together chillies, shallots, garlic, dried shrimp powder, salt, sugar, galanggal powder.
In a skillet, heat 5 tbsp vegetable oil over medium heat, add blend spices until translucent. Add bay leaves, brown sugar. Add the eggplants and anchovy, cooked for 5 minute.
Serve hot with steamed rice. Yummy...!!
doyannnnn...sirik gue mak liat kebon loo...hikksss...seger2 amat itu terong :D
nisa keliatan seneng banget ya :D
Elsye : Iya els..disini klo di SPM terong nya segede gaban, gue ga gitu suka..jadi kudu nanem hehehe..
terong mentah lo bentuknya "horor" gitu mak LOL *sambil ngakak ngacirrrrrrr*
wkwkwkw.. panjang amir itu terongnya... kebon gw ditumbuhi taneman bakat jd tukanng kebon :D
Wah, bagus ya blog nya..
Buat referensi ku yang males masak...:)
Paling lama tahan 1 jam aja di dapur! Makanya seneng resep yang gampang2, enak dan cepat dibuat. Weekend besok mau tak coba ya 'kue' currant orange nya.
Pa kabar keluarga di Jkt?
Oya, thanks for visiting my blog.
mau ih mauuu..."kebon" ku ada di bawah alias PASAR hehehe
wuih cakep² amat itu teyongnya jeng.
Site mu tak link ke di tempatku, ya...Boleh kan?
aduh mommy nisa gw sirik disini boro2 bisa bkebun, fanass kesian ntar mati duluan sebelom berkembang hehehhehee
pasti enak yaaaaa hasil kebon ndiri puasssss, sampe jumpa minggu depan ya ready for summer break nih :D
wahh.. asik sekali dari kebun sendiri. :)
maaaaakkk.... sehati lageeee. Emang pada gila terong ya, sm aja ky disini. Ember, terong panjang2 gitu lbh mantep rasanya tuuuuhhh. Apalagi dari kebon sendiri. Nanem apaan lagi mak? Sereh numbuh gak disana? Daun jeruk?
Hiks, sedihnya gw ga bakat sama taneman kynya, taneman di kamar mandi aja layu moloooo ...wakakak :-)))))
I love eggplant and wish that mine had not been devoured by beetles. Oh well, will try again next summer. Your dish sounds so good! Thanks for sharing it with Grow Your Own!
Fabulous eggplant dish. I cannt believe you guys grow that yourself :-) Getting hungry over here. ..
Home-grown thingies ROCK!
I am happy to discover your blog. I came here through Jugalbandi, as I am featuring their blog in this month´s Tried And Tasted, I hope you are participating.
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