A scottish quick bread, scones may have derived their name from the stone of destiny (or Scone), the place where Scottish Kings were once crowned. Other sources claim that the word comes from schoonbrot or sconbrot, meaning "fine white bread".
Scones were traditionally made with oats and cooked on a griddle, while modern version are generally prepared with flour and baked in the oven.
Hmmm, let's forget about the history of scone now .. just prepare your ingredients and start baking, and than you will find why this recipes so simply and delicious off course..

Orange-Currant Scones
315 g all purpose flour
60 gr sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
125 gr chilled un-salted butter, cut into small pieces
100 gr currants
1 egg
125 ml heavy cream
zest of 1 orange
granulated sugar for sprinkling
Preheat an oven 350 F / 180 C. Lightly grease a mini scone pan
In the bowl of a food processor, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt and pulse to combine. Add the butter and pulse until the mixture resembles pea-size crumbs. Transfer to a large bowl, add the currants and stir to mix.
In a small bowl, whisk together the egg, heavy cream and orange zest until blended and add to the flour mixture. Using a fork, stir to form large, moist clumps of dough.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and press together, with your hands until the dough comes together. Roll out the dough, flouring as needed, into a 23 cm square about 2 cm thick. Cut into 4 equal-size squares, the cut each square diagonally into 4 triangles. Press each triangles into a well of the prepared pan. Springkle each scone lighlty with sugar. Bake until the scones are golden, about 25 minute.
Invert the pan onto a wire rack and lift off the pan. Let the scone cool for minutes before serving.

Note :
If you don't have any scone pan, you still can make a pretty scone as you like. You just need to roll up the dough and using any kind of cookie cutter or just make like a simply bread.
Happy Baking
sippp bisa pa ke cookie cutter :D....kapan2 gue coba Fit...tengkiyuuuu say
loyangnya luncang bow! norak deh, gue baru liat penampakan loyang scone.
Elsye : bisa..bisa.. :-)
Dita : tenang mak, norak nya sama ama gue juga koq , histeris begitu liat loyang di toko qiqiiq
loyangnya lucuuuuuuuu
oiya, itu icon sedih gara-gara ditinggal keluarga pulang ke Indo :D
thanks for asking ya *hugs*
kepikiran ama scone elo nih gw tadi pagi. so ujung2 nya gk bikin cuma kepikiran doank trus jln ketoko beli kekekeke
mak, pr dari lo baru gw mau tulis yak. nti gw kabarin elo kalau dah jadi
mak, gw pan dah kerjain pr lo. Sekarang gantian lo gw tag (dah tau belum). ada di blog gw. so kerjain yah mak with proud:)
fitt...gue udah bikin sconesnya, cuma rada bingung kemaren itu kok ga bisa di cetak ya boow :( , gue pake resep laen...jadi kayak cake gitu yang bener kayak gimandang mak :D..sengkiyuuuu
Fitri darling...:D, berarti bener ya bow rada crunchy...qiqiqiq..sengkiiyuuu..yang jelas sih anak2 gue suka and menurut gue rasanya enak apalagi gue makan bareng es krim :D..cuma karena ini baru pertama kali bikin jadi agak2 oon gue...:P...
sipp sipp berarti bener dwong...sengkiiyuu ya buu...:D
wadow daku belon pernah bikin scone...hihik kapan2 nyoba akhhh
Scone ama teh anget ato kupi cucok bannget :) slurup.. tea time
Scones are on my list of yummy comfort foods to eat with tea :). I am a huge fan of anything orange flavored too, so you got me on this one! :D
Waduh... sampe mangap liat cetakan scones loe mak. Ya ampyuuunnn, cetakan apa sih yang gak ada disana yaaa.... ck..ck..ck...
Yang ada waktu ke JKT/SIN kemaren gw ngamuk cari loyang2an mak, secara disini barang langka tuh gituan. Sampe ke toko Ani itu tuh... hihihihihi :-)))
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