Surprise is a good word ! And I always love surprise. Like surprise I’ve got through my e-mail this morning said that I won DMBLGIT award November 2009 edition. Yeaaaay… this is cool ! Well, since I started blogging a year ago, I never think that I will win any kind of event including DMBLGIT . For me, baking , taking picture are part of my ‘crazy’ hobby right now and when some people think my picture is nice looking pic, that is bonus for me. :D
This time I would like to say thank you to the judges : Bron, Sabra, Julia, Mowie and Claude-Olivier and the host, Sandra. You guys did such a great job
And another person I like to say thank you is : Kris, hey ya! Do you think we need to send ‘macaroon’ for every event ? LOL. Kris was right, I always teased him for every award he get,, and the funny thing was we’ve been thinking the same idea, I though he will win the competition and he though the same about me too. And today I can say : “both has same ‘crazy’ mind “ . We won award together , Is that what they call : that’s what friends are for ?
Is this an early birthday present for me ? May be LOL. *story is to be continue :D
This time I would like to say thank you to the judges : Bron, Sabra, Julia, Mowie and Claude-Olivier and the host, Sandra. You guys did such a great job
And another person I like to say thank you is : Kris, hey ya! Do you think we need to send ‘macaroon’ for every event ? LOL. Kris was right, I always teased him for every award he get,, and the funny thing was we’ve been thinking the same idea, I though he will win the competition and he though the same about me too. And today I can say : “both has same ‘crazy’ mind “ . We won award together , Is that what they call : that’s what friends are for ?
Is this an early birthday present for me ? May be LOL. *story is to be continue :D

Edibility Winner
Judge comments: nice composition and light. Bright, fun
plok plok .... akhirnya badge impian elo nyampe juga mak di blog mu. Hadiah akhir thn yah mak:)
Hi the owner of Rumah Manis ... :)
Congrats atas badge "Good Looking Blog" ... so enjoy your joyous moment !
My best,
"Siap2 kirim tumpeng dulu ke St. Louis"
hallo fitri....., selamat ya mak.., photonya cakep.., menang deh..:)
heii...congart!! Lots and lots :)
Hebat euy....
So, what's your plan for next (new) year resolution?
@ Dear All : Thank You so much for your comments! Siap2 nunggu tumpeng dari mas Tony dan kita menikmatinya bersama2 :D
@ Henny : resolusi tahun baru ? harus lebih fokus sama cita2 hahahahha..
Congratulations on your win! Your flavour combination sounds delicious.
Fit, let's rock the next DMBLGIT, shall we? :-)
Sawadee from Bangkok,
Congraaaatttsss, a long awaited surprise. Sweet and definitely worths every pictures you took. You deserve it, maaaaakkk....
Hmmm, gw dah keabisan stok food photo neh, ga ikutan lagi ah. Blog masak hiatus lama kayanya ... qiqiqiq. ENJOY AJAAAHHHHH!!!
Luv yah, temen gila lo
Congratulations on your win, well done!
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