Today is our wedding anniversary,
Today is your birthday, my dear beloved husband
Today is another year to celebrate
Another year to create precious memories together.
Another year to discover new things to enjoy about each other.
Another year to build a life rich in love and laughter.
Another year to strengthen marriage that defines "forever."

No party, no fancy vacation, no present .. we just celebrate our special day at home with the first time 'turkey' that I ever made :)
And the funny things was when I went to flea market 2 days before, I found this "cute" little plate for only 40cent. There is a label behind the plate said Made In Italy. And that made me wonder, about the year of production but didn't find any specific information about this plate but you still can find in eBay with price $12,- Oh, well.. not really treasury things ^__^ but I buy with a really..really good price
So, what you think ? Doesn't it look cute ..

Happy anniversary Mak! semoga langgeng selamanya sama pakKumis ^.^ kisses bwt Nisa xoxo
Your cake just make my tummy rumbling ....
BTW, gw ada happy mama blogger award bwt lu, please come by and pick it up at http://mamas3boys.blogspot.com/2009/11/happy-thanksgiving-and-another-award.html
Selamat ultah perkwainan mak nisah sama pak kumis.. semoga langgeng dan rukun terus, tambah mesra, tambah cinta.. tambah bebih gak nih???? qiqiqii..
waah...kok bisa barengan sama thanksgiving, sama idul Adha...
Happy anniversary ya, Fit.
Tambah mesra, tambah cinta, ...apalagi ya...all the best lah!
Belated wishes sweetie...hope u had wonderful time....May Allahtala bless you with many more happiness, health and riches....
Cake looks extremely gorgeous...
Happy anniversary..
@ Lina : Thank You for the award darling, thank you untuk doa nya
@ Ika : thank you mak Ika, tambah beibeh ? watoooh..tidaaak.. pabrik tutup :DD
@ Henny : thank you Hen, klo ultah sama ultah perkawinan emang diniatin sama hahahah..
@ Lubna : thank you dear Lubna, Eid Mubarak for you too
@ Srivali : thank you..
Happy Wedding Anniversary, Fit! Wish you infinite years of happiness and joy with your beloved hubby! :-)
Well, I am fine here, and I love this special anniversary cake that you baked. Beautiful and delicious...
Sawadee from Bangkok,
Congratulations,Fit! You see, it is your turn to win DMBLGIT with your macarons :-) As I commented before, it is a great picture!
And it has been an honor to get the badge in the same contest with you.....
Have a great happy moment of achievement, my friend!!
Sawadee from Thailand,
DMBLGIT badge as a wonderful birthday present? Whose birthday is this?
Happy Birthday! Wish you Joy, Health and Happiness in Life, Success and Friendship in Blogging and lots of Compassion and Trust in Love!!
Sawadee from Thailand,
Thank You so much, Kris. Doesn't it sound funny ? I've been teasing you alot and now come to me. What a wonderful friendship :D
And thank you to encouraging me all the time.
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