All sudden I in the good mood to make a bread, yaaa .. bread .. !! especially sweet bread - mostly people call 'sweet bun'. I've been tried several recipes , from a simply recipes, medium , until machine bread. But none of them come good .. aarrg.. !!
Do you think I'm tired to try ? he..he..he , not at all ..
Yesterday, I made a chocolate-brioche , it came good . My husband like it. But I still want try another recipes, so please if somebody has a great..great sweet bun recipes, share with me .. I would like to try and prove it that I can make too ^_^

Talk about 'SHARE' , I remember that one of my blogger friend, Lubna from Kitchen Flavours who share her's nice stuff to me ! yes, she gave me so many awards this week. OMG .. !! I'm so honoured, thank you dear Lubna - I'm so proud to put all your awards here, at my home "RUMAH MANIS"

And now let me share my chocolate brioche recipes to all my friends *well, I wish all of you can come and enjoyed a cup of tea and snack and chit chat at my backyard porch* :-)
Chocolate Brioche
Source : Hubert Keller-William Sonoma
For the sponge:
2 tsp. active dry yeast
3 Tbs. lukewarm water
3 Tbs. all-purpose flour
For the sponge:
2 tsp. active dry yeast
3 Tbs. lukewarm water
3 Tbs. all-purpose flour
For the dough:
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus more as needed
3 Tbs. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 egg
1/3 cup warm milk
4 Tbs. (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces, at room temperature
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 egg yolk, lightly beaten with 1 tsp. water
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus more as needed
3 Tbs. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 egg
1/3 cup warm milk
4 Tbs. (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces, at room temperature
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 egg yolk, lightly beaten with 1 tsp. water
To make the sponge, in a bowl, dissolve the yeast in the water.
To make the sponge, in a bowl, dissolve the yeast in the water.
Stir in the flour, cover with plastic wrap and set in a warm place until foamy, about 10 minutes.
To make the dough, in the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the 1 3⁄4 cups flour, the sugar and salt and whisk by hand until well blended, about 1 minute.
Transfer the bowl to the mixer and attach the dough hook. With the mixer on low speed, add the egg and milk. Increase the speed to medium and knead for 5 minutes.
Add the butter and knead for 5 minutes. Stop the mixer and add the sponge.
Continue kneading on medium speed until the dough is smooth and elastic, 7 to 10 minutes, adding more flour as needed.
Cover the bowl with a towel and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.
Preheat an oven to 400ºF.
Punch down the dough, transfer to a lightly floured surface
Form the dough into 18 balls, put chocolate inside of dough and place in the prepared wells .
Let rise in a warm place for 45 minutes.
Brush the tops of the brioches with the egg yolk mixture.
Bake until golden brown, 15 to 20 minutes.
Brush brioche with melted butter . Let cool completely before serving.
Note :
Here.. let me show you one of my brioche mold that I have . But don't worry even you don't have a specific mold, you still can make a nice shape brioche as you wish, use cupcake mold that will work too.

Eh Fit,
tiba-tiba kepikiran..kok kamu gak buka rumah makan aja disana? Pinter masak kok....hehe....
Btw, disana kegiatanmua apa aja? Udah pernah mudik ke Otista atau mama yang nengok cucu kesana?
Wouw Fit, kereeen bowww fotonya, apalagi yang pertama. Pengen nyiciiip :)
Iya bener, fotonya keyennn..suka deeeyyy...
iya setuju... foto yg pertama cantik
pengen bikin roti, tp males... gimana dong?
fitriiii...yuhuuuu gue baru balik lagi say..hihihihi, btw, ikutan makan dwongg...kewren potona say...
Mommy Nisa, aku juga punya award utk mu ;)
Wow look yummy. Bread indulgence for breakfast yummy idea. Awesome click of pics. Enjoy your awards.
Henny : iyah sempet kepikir koq heheh..
Retno, Anne, Sefa : thank you all
Elsye : enjoy macet ya bu..
Sefa : thank you mak.. di posting segera hehehe
Lubna : thanks again dear
Emailku : hennya_here@yahoo.co.id
Aku mauuu bangetttt.. kirim, please^_^
wawww mantap ini fitri...eh disini yang paling ga ada tuh...roti pisang coklat hihihikkk...yang ala indo gitu..pengen dah bisa bikin, tp belon pernah nyoba bikin brioche hehe
Chocolate brioche! Yum, looks wonderful. Nice photos, too.
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