During Ramadan, I always try to make something simply for my iftar - this time I chose Sholeh Zard - Saffron Rice Pudding from Persian Kitchen. This pudding is easy to make and high calorie too, my husband from Iran loves this dish so much .. and he always tell a story behind this dish.
He said, his family always make rice pudding in a very big pot and distributed to the poor people during Ramadan or any religious ceremonies. Or they make sholeh zard when their wish come true :-) and give it away in thanks
First time I made sholeh zard, I kind of confuse with rose water !! never imagine what the taste and aroma the pudding is ?? But ... I can not believe the pudding smell so good and the tase of pudding .. wooow.. yummm.
In Iran, rose water still is produced by ancient methods, workers pick the roses in early moring when the scent is at its peak. And sent to factory and sorted to get a good quality of rose pentals

And this is my entry for event Joy From Fasting to Feasting hosted by Lubna Karim and Yasmeen

Sholeh Zard
1/2 cup short grain rice
8 cups water
3 cups sugar
1/4 cup un-salted butter
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1/2 tsp ground saffron - dissolved in 2 tbs hot water
1 tsp ground cardamom
1/2 cup rose water
2 tbsp rice flour - dissolved in 2 cup water
Pick over and wash rice
Combine the rice with 6 cups water and bring to boil. Simmer for 35 minutes until the rice is soft
Add sugar and 2 more cups warm water and cook for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the butter, almonds, saffron water, cardamom, and rose water - mix well, cook with very low heat for 20 minute.
Add the dissolved rice flour and cook for 20 more minute.
Spoon the pudding into a bowl , decorate with cinnamon, almond and pistachio. Serve Cold

keliatan segerrrr say...pengennnnnn semangkok, belum pernah bikin nih :D
Wow this looks yummy. I will try out this soon. I just left a mail to u and i added u r blog in the event list.
Hope are having a blessed Ramadan Sister!
The Rice pudding looks rich and delectable. Thanks for joining in the celebration.
Hmm...yummy, yummy...
Bisa pesan dari sini? haha...
Have a nice day of Ramadhan:)
belum pernah nyuba.., kirim semangkok duuoonnkk..:)
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... terimakasih resepnya *bikinnyanungguintukangdongengpulang*
Your dish is so beautiful, I cannot even begin to put in words!!! I would love to try this!!!!
Its awesome ...must try recipe
wow belon pernah nyobain saffron...katanya pait yah...bener ga?
Hi, this looks absolutely delicious. love sholeh zard. i first saw this photo on flickr, that's how i found your blog. keep up the good work.
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