Almost the end of Ramadan (a holy month for Moslem's people) and I miss my parent so bad, wish I can visit and see them this year to celebrate Ied Fitri together .. but seem I can not do that this year . Well, it's not only miss them but almost miss every thing .
Yesterday afternoon I called my mom and talked to my dad for a while (well, he has a problem with his ear so he can't hear my voice clearly - so most the time I talked to my mom)- I called just to let her know how I miss them , and thanks for a present their sent for us . They sent some clothes for me and my daughter, Annisa .. ah..that's remind me about a childhood activity during this time - went to mushala for Taraweh Pray with my mom and my sisters, went to fresh market every week end , helped her to cook some food, wear a new cloth, eat a great food , play around with cousin and all family member.. GOSH .. !! that made me more and more mellow
Anyway, life must goes on .. I try to cheer my day up again .. I have a new family here.. me, my husband, my daughter .. so what's else I need ? :-)
So now I like to share one of my mom recipes and become our favorite dessert during the holy month of Ramadan and is usually served cold during Iftar ( a fasting break ) . I made this yesterday so sweet , so yummy and made me feel good after all..
Kolak - Indonesian Dessert
1 Cassava Root , peeled and cut into chunks
1 Sweet Potato, peeled, cut into chunks one
1 Plantain, cut into chunks
5 jack fruits
250 ml coconut milk
250 ml water
2 pandan leaves
3 - 5 tbsp brown sugar
1 Cinnamon stick
a pinch of salt
Heat the water until boiling, add in cassava, sweet potato. Keep cooking until casava and sweet potato are half-softened.
Add in pandan leaves, sugar, Cinnamon stick and salt. When they are cooked, pour in the coconut milk
Add in the bananas , jack fruits. Simmer for 5 minutes.
Pumpkin, Pear Tapioca, Mung beans may also be added. It is served either hot (especially if freshly cooked) or cold.
Annisa is cute...
Selamat hari raya Idhul Fitri ya...Gak papa kan kecepatan kasih selamat? hehe...
Mohon maaf lahir batin, waktu kecil kan kadang2 nakalin kamu...:)
Hope everything the best for our parents.
mak e- colak ne lempar mak kesini qiqiqii. Plus nice photo mak, anak lo cute!
Henny : :-) aah..lucu banget klo inget jaman dulu yaah.. gilee. kalian berdua emang nakal hihih..
Dwiana : maaak..jadi tetangga dwoonk..sini pindah sini..
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