Monday, December 16, 2013

Being Old is cool ...

What a lovely presents by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
Alright, I'm 1 more year older than last month .. * I will tell you know exactly  how old I'm next year -grin- * well, when I was young I always worry about the aging process, but when I over 30 I no longer worry... you can say that you have moree experiences to share to younger generation LOL - bla..bla..bla..  but I tell you being old is COOL ... !!

It was a nice surprise party that my husband and my step daughter throw for me last night ; I really didn't expect that will happened - thought, I almost ruin their surprise party because someone got sick .

Off course, like they said : the shoe maker doesn't have shoe and the baker doesn't have cake either - well, it will be funny if I bake my own cake .. don't you think. And I decide not to bake yesterday.

So, the party was great .. I really feel blessed surrounding by family and friends who loves me so dearly. At the end of the night, everyone stop by to our house for tea and off course there was a birthday cake .. that my friend bring for me .. so cute..

And look what I got ? seem someone checked my Amazon wish list ... aaah, I don't need to telling you how lucky I'm - this books are already on my list for long , finally on my hand now .. thank you a bunch, dear..

So what on your list ? can I see it ? :)


  1. Hwaaaaaaaa...ikutan ngeces liat kadonya. Happy milad ya mbakku sayang. Semoga umurnya selalu barokah dan manfaat tuk orang banyak. Semoga selalu berada di sekitar orang orang dicintai. Amiiinnn

  2. Lovely. I'm over 30 and don't feel old... ;-)

    Happy Holidays.




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