Monday, December 23, 2013

Last Quilt

Done !! by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
Phuiiih ... I feel relief , my quilt is done - and already on a lovely lady hand by now. This is my last quilt for 2013 - for now, at least a week my sewing room will be a quiet room . I need to dusting, cleaning, organizing around that room. I might start to sewing again soon.  I love the finish quilt, I can't believe my self , I did hand stich for this quilt.  I must be crazy.  For you who always say that you have no talent or can't sewing, please .. there is so many tutorial that you can follow , there is so many nice people out there will answer your question if you can't do it.  Trust me..
In fact you can find the tutorial for this quilt here:

I can't believe less than 10days before New Year 2014 !! where the times fly ?

See you again in 2014 - Thank you for all my reader who stop by here and read my stories .. I love you all .. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..

1 comment:

  1. Waaa congratulations ! This is a lot of work, I understand why you feel relif :) It's beautiful !
    Wish you a Happy Holiday and see you in 2014 !!! ^^


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