Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Modern I Spy Quilt

I Spy Quilt by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis

This is a short posting before I become busy tomorrow preparing for Thanksgiving Day. :)

Finally I finished this quilt - it's a very long process and time consuming also too many individual blocks ; all together there is 80 blocks. And a hundreds of nice fabrics, some are rare fabrics, Japanese Fabrics, some even no longer in market. The fabrics are my collection , that I collected for so long, Ebay Auctions even gift from my nice flickr's friends. 
The picture below is one of my favorite block, a vintage fabric 'ginger pancake recipe'

I use Aneela Fabric's collection for backing, isn't look adorable ?

Please contact me if you like to order similar quilt like this. So far I work base on order only and not doing mass production .

**Quilt is Reserved**


  1. What a gorgeous quilt! I wish I had the patience to make something like that but it's not my strong point really... :) Happy thanksgiving!

  2. Beautiful quilt. I have zero sewing skills but aspire to make a quilt for my 2 year old one day inshaAllah.

  3. A fabulous quilt! I wish I were as talented as you when it comes to sewing...




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