Tuesday, November 27, 2012

..back on track..

Children At Play Quilt by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
with so much distraction around me lately, from news about my beloved grandma who passed away a week ago , next was a computer crash , wipe out all the data on computer , and last was some family's issue . Oh gosh ..I was so tired, those made me delay some of my homework . But I know everything happen for a reason, there is no problem without solution.  Everything will be all right, with a good family members who always beside me no matter how hard the problem are - GOD gives us strength  , and thank you for my husband, we celebrate another year in a good times and bad times together again yesterday . Love you, Hun..
And today, finally I be able to back on track . Finished what had been delay before.. such back to my sewing machine ... Q..U..I..L..T..I..N..G - you know I do love quilting :)

4 sewing project already sent to customer !! She was so happy see a whole finish project, and I more happier too .. everything just perfect, and need to back sewing 'holliday theme project' pretty soon ..

*thank you for you, who loves to come back here to read 'inside my head' .. so much appreciate, even I don't always have an answer ..

1 comment:

  1. Waaaaah mbak I'm so sorry to hear that. Turut berduka ya mbakyuuu...

    Aku langsung jatuh cinta mbak sama quiltingnya, kereeeen abiss *membayangkan ngelus ngelus kainnya* aaahhh seandainya dekat aku pesan juga. Tanganmu sungguh telaten mbak. Aku membayangkan memasangkan kotak kotaknya aja puyeng...apalagi bikinnya. Salut euy...


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