Monday, November 5, 2012

A new stash ..

a new fabrics .. by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
Christmas is just around the corner, and I've been busy doing some projects for a lady who came to our dinner party last week. She wants some of my craft works, well.. she said she is not rush - but I'd like to doing on schedule and not postpone the work especially working with a lovely fabrics. Who can resist this pile of fabric from heaven  LOL

I got this a new fabrics last Friday ,, they are just as beautiful as I can imagine when I saw for the first time from my flickr friends, Tasha.  She has so adorable fabric collections, that I will like do "fasting" - not shopping a new shoes to exchange with hers fabrics *grin*

Now, let me excuse my self back to my sewing machine.. and I will come back bring my food recipe tomorrow to share with you.ok.



  1. waaaaaah...bakalan seru niy mbak acara jahit menjahitnya, beneran keren2 kainnya, nggak sabar lihat hasilnya...

  2. may i know where to find such beautiful fabrics?


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