Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I Spy Christmas ...

Roll Quilt by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
I'm just as exciting as you are when come to Christmas Decorations.. Christmas Fabrics .. etc. really, I  like a little kid just get a jar of candies when I go to stores during this day. All the Christmas atmosphere always remind me when I came to US for the first time,in the winter time , first day of December many years ago, every thing were so festive.

And here it is .. my new collection of Christmas Quilt , all the fabrics choice are so personal, so festive , so brightly ..

The size of quilt is 45 x 51 inches ..it's gonna be one of kind Christmas present ever, and will stay longer oh, I have a special offers .. free shipping around US area .. so go get soon .. :)


1 comment:

  1. Another great work from Mbak Fitri...suka paduan warnanya, gambarnya, pokoknya semuanya. Emang mbak Fitri ratu quilting deh hehe


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