I’ve been trying with many kind of macaroon recipes for almost 2 days. In those recipes, there always seems like there is something that can go wrong. First tried, batter flow like a water, so I just dumped into the sink , 30 minutes latter I tried another recipes , it was look like a macaron , even not look perfect , I mean there was no "foot" as the real macaroon. But I still enjoyed eat all
A Second day, I tried bake another batch from a different recipes.. whoa.. all macaroons cracked, I couldn't even take from the paper. Well.. well .. you can call me "CRAZY" because .. after 3 times fail, I don't like to stop. So, with my last passion .. I try another recipes .. ulalalalaa... it's work .. !!!!
So, from now on I never worry anymore if have much of left over white egg ... there is another way to use , MACARON .. !!
Thank you for HELEN - a.k.a Tartelete for step by step Macaron Tutorial, I absolutely love them
wah! hebattttt!!! bener2 kagum sama semangatnya, persistent banget eiei...kalo aku pasti bakalan nyerah tuh heheheheh...cakep banget hasilnya. cocok neh buat valentinan
Gorgeous! Glad the instructions helped!
Fit kapan gue bisa bikin macaron..hiksss...pengennnnn punya lo macaron nya cantik bener ada kakinya
pinkyyy ;) mommy nisa dah siap nih mo valentine-an *comot satu skarang boleh yaaa*
dr kemaren aku kepikiran bikin bikin ini tp kok blm terlaksana jg... bener-2 penasaran :(
Photonya sudah menggairahkan apa lg kalau mencicipinya.lebih pas gitu lho..!
wow!you are a great baker.Those macaroons are beautiful.
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