I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me
love is knowing all about someone and still wanting to be with them more than any other person
love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself
including the things you might be ashamed of
love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone
but still getting weak knees they walk into a room a smile with you
Our love is like a tree that grows
Still stronger through the years
Nourished by our laughter And sometimes by our tears
It shelters and protects us from a dark or sunny sky
And like a tree - it's beauty grows As each day passes by
Happy Wedding Anniversary To The One I Love!
Happy Birthday to you too
Your birthday is a special time to celebrate the gift of "you" to the world
dear Fitri.
Happy Anniversary ya Fit. Smoga langgeng, smoga sehat selalu.
Makasih atas perhatiannya. Kita sekeluarga baek2 aja. Semalam hingga tadi pagi emang ada serangan teroris (gunfire & grenades)di bbrp hotel mewah, hospital dan bbrp public area ~kabar terakhir ada 78 org tewas). Hari ini sekolah dan kantor diliburin (sebenarnya sekolah anak2 cuma 1/2 hari dlm rangka Thanksgiving, & besok emang libur).
Smoga semua cepat kelar.
Thanks Fit.
happy anniversary...
and happy b'day jugaaaa
@Vania: alhamdulillah dirimu dan keluarga baik-baik..
happy anniversary...and happy b'day,semoga langgeng dan panjang umur.....
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person says a popular author. Happy Anniversary and Happy B'day. Nice and heat touching lines. May Allahatala bless you with all the warm, happiness and health.
Oh Fitri,
happy anniversary ya...
met ultah juga. Suamiku juga ultah, tapi besok. hehe...
Eh, kalo kamu kan Desember ya ultahnya, tanggal berapa? tiba2 keinget.
Happy Anniversarry mba Fit...Tambah langgeng amien...
mak...gue ngucapin lagi ya..selamat ultah tuk Daddy nya Nissa n selamat ultah perkawinan tuk kalian berdua. Semoga makin bahagia selalu.
Btw..poto na cakep cakep ich !!!
Wahhh Happy double happiness yah!
So sweet dehhhh
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