Sunday, February 9, 2014

Saturday gateaway ...

Saturday is always become our (mother + daughter) fun time . Starting with an early morning routine, daughter practice gymnastic , mom chat with a good friend while waiting for daughter to finish her tumbling . And the next we always do is visiting library , we love our headquarter library . The place is so big, book shell after book shell ; reading area ; kids area ; computer area ; special interest area and so and so ...   aaah, what they don't have just café to get a cup of coffee ... I think that should be a good idea ... eeew.. may be not .. because people will split the coffee and make a mess here and there.
One of my daughter favorite spot is a giant purple been bag ; she loves read and lay down there .. its a nice comfy place while mom try to digging some interesting book, what else if not a cooking book though..
We always end up with piles of books , sometime movie to bring it home . The headquarter always provide plastic bag with special print out that we can get for free or purchase another bag for just $1 - well, since I crazy in love with hexagon patchwork lately, I made library bag for her ...
I saw this bag about year ago from Amy-Nana Company blog, she made the bag so beautiful, since than I keep on my mind, someday I must to make one for my daughter too.  And I did it !! I finished made on Saturday morning, right before we start our activity . She loves it ...  but I still thinking that is not the good one, I still need to practice more to make it even better.
That is our weekend gateway, how about you ?


  1. That is such a pretty bag! I love it.



  2. Cantiiiiiiiiik banget tasnya *mupeng*
    asyiknya anak wedho yang lagi baca buku. Perpusnya kelihatan cozy banget mbak...


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