Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fun learning ❤️

Fun learning ❤️ by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
No baking today, since I let my little one using my baking scale . She measure all her stuffed animals , and make a note for every one . It was fun learning for her, keep her busy and off course you will have a peaceful sunday morning a little bit. :)

And another quick update is .. kids still going to school for make up days after snow storm last week, so no long weekend for them ; Friday and next Monday supposedly day off but the school still want kids go to school. I assisted the valentine's party at my daughter class room last Friday, and typical of me .. always decide to make something in last minute... but I happy with the result .. new cosmetic bag for valentine's gift for my daughter teacher , well .. we as a parent not obligate to give present for valentine's party but since she turn 30 that day... so why not.. make something simple and add a little things :)

***update : eeks.. mother nature knows better than us, no school on Monday since freezing rain in the atmosphere .. wuhuu, another home schooling project will be given to little one. :)) **


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