Wednesday, February 22, 2012

NO BAKING TODAY : smocked sundress

smocked sundress by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
I made this for my little girl friend, who celebrate 4yo Birthday yesterday.

I bought this fabric last year, after made 1 dress for my daughter and skirt for her and I still have bunch of left over fabric, so I decided  to make smocked sundress for my friend's daughter.  

I think she will like it. :)

Easy bittsy dress, no pattern necessary. Add 7 layer of smocked and little ban on the bottom.. 1hour sewing.. wuhuuu..


  1. It's been 6 years since I last did smocking. Too tired, trying to make the gathers, Makes my eyes want to pop out, LOL.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous, way to go!
    xo from Brazil,


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