Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lapis Legit Durian

Lapis Legit Durian by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
It's been an ages I'm not making this cake - ah, making lapis legit is a time consuming task that demands a lot of patience. I spent a very long hours to bake 1 8inch round layer cake like this. But you know, every time I complain about the process of making lapis legit, the result is always worth it.

Lapis legit contains several different spices, as we called 'bumbu spekoek ' but this time, I add some durian mothong ; well totally different flavor from original lapis legit aroma.

I promise to make an original taste of Lapis Legit next time *cross finger* :D

Lapis Legit Durian
Recipe : From Lydia - My Kitchen Blog

Ingredients (8" x 8"):
400g Butter
150g Sugar
10 Egg Yolks
1 tsp Durian Essence
1 cup Durian Puree (+/-)
60ml Milk
200g All-Purpose Flour
50g Corn Flour

7 Egg Whites
150g Sugar

1. Grease and line the bottom of a 8" x 8" baking pan. Preheat oven to 200degC (upper heat only).

2. In a large mixing bowl, cream together butter and sugar until light. Add in egg yolks and continue to cream until smooth and fluffy.

3. Add in durian essence, puree and milk, and stir until well blended. Sift and fold in flours until well combined.

4. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until foamy then add in sugar gradually while beating. Continue to beat until stiff. Stir it into the batter and mix until well combined.

5. Spoon about 100g of the batter into the baking pan and spread it evenly. Place it in the middle of the oven and bake until golden brown.

6. Remove it from the oven, use a fork to prick some holes on the cake. Then spoon another 100g of the batter onto the baked layer and spread evenly. Bake until golden brown. Repeat this step until all of the batter is used up.

7. Remove the cake from oven, invert and cool on rack.

1 comment:

  1. Send me some Fitri, because I'll never be patient enough to make it!


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