Thursday, November 4, 2010

moody .. moody .. november

Moody person ! you can call me that :) yes, that's me ! today I want to do this, tomorrow I will forget and change with another project .. and always happen, until i realize the times flew away. For awhile I just forget about updating my blog, I did another project .. sewing my daughter clothes ! yeaaah.. not such a great result like I want, but I'm happy that I can do it. As always to trust yourself , you know more than you think can do

And Thank you for my beloved friends, Kris from Bake In Paris who always stopping by to say HI ! and he might be wonder, why no more a new recipe on my blog. :D actually i still do a lot of baking, but just not in the good mood to taking picture .. to cold to go outside and preparing prop and so on. Huhuhu.. November already, weather extremely goes crazy, today very cold, tomorrow can be hot. But what i remember about November is , we will have many celebration coming soon. hmm.. will tell you soon :)

For now, please enjoy my ultimate Mocha Coffee Tart ^_^ *yeaah, you won't believe how many times I bake this cake every month, for family, for friends, for party.. etc .. the cake is so moist and light, and the funny is , every time my friends comes over, and have this cake for dessert , they will forget that they are on diet.. bad..bad..bad :D ^LOL^

Mocha Coffee Tart
8 egg yolk
5 egg whites
125 gr butter, melted
100 gr all-purpose flour , shifting
175 gr granulated sugar
2 tbsp coffee espresso (i using nescafe) dissolved in 1 tbsp hot water
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp white milk powder
1 tbsp coffee liqueur
1/2 tbsp emulsifier - or substitute with 2 tbsp condense milk

Directions :

Arrange rack in center of oven and preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 2 8-inch cake pan with cooking spray and set aside.

In medium bowl, add melted butter with coffee liquid, set aside

Whisk together flours, baking powder and milk powder in a medium bowl, then sift ingredients through a fine mesh strainer.

Using electric mixer, mix together until double size : sugar, egg, emulsifier. Gradually add sifted dry ingredients and stir until just incorporated; do not over beat. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until cake has risen nicely and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool completely.

While cake is cooling, make the coffee butter frosting:

Coffee Butter Cream :
enough to cover 2 8-inch cake

100 gr salted butter
100 gr pure vegetable shortening - zero trans fat)
300 gr icing sugar / powder sugar
2 tbsp condensed milk
1 tbsp mocha paste
1 tsp coffee liqueur

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and beat with an electric hand mixer until soft and creamy. Spread frosting evenly over cake . And sprinkle with oven roasted peanuts along the side.


  1. keliatan endang gulindang maakk, kayaknya must try nih...;D..btw emang bisa ekstrem gitu cuaca yak...

    bajunya lucuuuuu ;D

  2. fitri thx of dropping by my blog ;)

  3. Fit, I am so glad you are back with this beautiful dress.... and a delicious mocha cake.

    Yes, your sewing capability is amazing, and I adore your sense of design and color... keep it up... maybe you can start a kid's garment home industry :-)

    Sawadee from Bangkok,

  4. @ Elsye : silahken di coba mak, endang gulindang. Iya, di STL cuacanya aneh..karena kan posisi di peta ada di tengah jadi selalu kena getah :)

    @ Ira : thank you sudah berkunjung juga Ira

    @ Kris : thank you for your support kris, my problem is swing mood :) but I will keep sewing. That is always fun for me to see my daughter happy too

  5. That sounds a lot like me :D ....
    Gw contek resep cake-nya kapan2 ya mak .... hope to get my baking mood back soon :D

  6. fitriiii.. long time not seeee.. aku tuh susah payah loh cari blogspot kamu. soalnya aku gk bisa buka MP nih, lupa pswd nya, hehehe.. dodol abis deh :)
    aku lagi d indo, dan lg happy baking nih, cobain resep mocha coffee cake nya yaaaa... always adore your recipe fit.. so far always fit in my taste .. miss uuu...



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