Friday, November 19, 2010

Hachiya Persimmon Hazelnut Cake

Fall is exciting. It's wind blowing leaves, it's chilly red knees, it's nuts on the ground, it's a crisp dry sound, it's green leaves turning ,it's clouds in the sky.

The leaves are falling, falling as from way off,as though far gardens withered in the skies;they are falling with denying gestures. And in the nights the heavy earth is falling from all the stars down into loneliness.We all are falling. This hand falls. And look at others: it is in them all.And yet there is one who holds this falling endlessly gently in his hands.

Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn or just jump into the pile of leaves.

Our judgment ripens; our imagination decays. We cannot at once enjoy the flowers of the Spring of life and the fruits of its Autumn. And should I say, that persimmon is another reason I loves autumn ? may be , but there is another one (or two) that I feel so blessing living together with you, my beloved husband for another years. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Anniversary for us .. let me love you until the end of my life.

Hachiya Persimmon Hazelnut Cake

125 grams rice flour
50 grams hazelnut flour
20 grams tapioca starch
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
140 grams unsalted butter, browned
85 grams brown sugar
100 grams maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
2 very ripe hachiya-persimmon , smashed

powder sugar


Directions :

Place the butter in a small saucepan and cook it until the milk solids start to turn brown on the bottom of the pan and smells nutty. Strain it and let it cool slightly.

In a large bowl, whisk together the first seven ingredients.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the brown sugar, maple syrup, eggs and vanilla bean.

Add the cooled brown butter and whisk.

Add the liquids to the dry ingredients and whisk until incorporated.

Fold in the hachiya-persimmon.

Divide the batter in the mini bundt pan mold or any kind of mold you like.

Bake at 350F for about 20 minutes.

Let them cool for a couple of minutes in the pan.

Remove the cakes from the pan and toss them with powder sugar.


  1. I loved hearing and feeling the crunch of those leaves under my feet when I lived in Boston. Fall was probably my favourite season.

    These little cakes look amazing. Love the mix of ingredients - and the delightful little mould!

  2. Fitri,
    terima kasih ya sudah mampir ke blog saya.

    Beautiful cake :)

  3. Happy Birthday to Hubby, Fit! And Happy Anniversary! Wish you both eternal joy and happiness!

    Never baked anything from persimmon even though there are so many imported ones from China. With your delicious recipe, I am thinking about baking with persimmon too. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Fit, it is coming to the end of the year.... so exciting... any holiday plan for the Christmas and New Year?

    My family is visiting me the day before Christmas so there are many things to plan out for them....


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