Friday, June 26, 2009

Roti Gambang Almond / Almond Gambang Bread

I have this picture for long time ago, well.. a month or two , I couldn't remember LOL. And this is my entry for event CLICK which is theme for this month is STACK.

Jai and's my entry for Stacks.

Roti Gambang Almond / Almond Gambang Bread
Source : Ms. Irma

Ingredients :

250 grams dark palm sugar (Java Dark Sugar)
175 ml water

375 grams all purpose flour

125 dry fine bread crumbs

25 gram milk powder

1/4 tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

2 tsp baking powder

2 tsp cinnamon powder

1/4 tsp vanilla powder/vanilla extract

2 egg yolks

100 grams margarine

100 grams almonds, chopped

3 Tbsp water, for brushing

3 Tbsp sesame seeds

Instructions :

1. Boil Java red sugar with water until dissolved and hard boiled. Set aside and let cool.

2. Mix flour, breadcrumbs, milk powder, salt, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, vanilla and egg yolks. Blend well. Pour in sugar syrup, knead until well blended.

3. Blend in margarine, knead until well blended.

4. For the dough into ball shaped, cover with plastic sheet. Set aside for about 30 minutes at room temperature until the dough becomes dry and easy to roll.

5. Uncover, form the dough into round oval shape, each weighed 75 g. Arrange them on greased cookie sheet, give space among them as they will rise. Brush the surface with water, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

6. Bake in a preheated oven at 150 Celsius degree for 30 minutes until done.


  1. Hi hi :), salam kenal yah Fit. Kue Gambangnya kliatan yummy, uda lama banget aku ga perna makan kue gambang lagi :). Nti aku nyontek resep mu ya :)... TQ :)

  2. ya ampuun....anak ini, gambang juga bisa buat sendiri! Itu kan roti jaman kita kecil ya, suka lewat depan rumah. Fit, bikinin resep roti keju bo'ong2an dong...hihi...itu lho, temennya roti gambang di kotaknya si abang lewat. Kayaknya campuran terigu, mentega, gula dan keju seiprit ya..Aku suka banget!

  3. Your almond bread looks delicious with the sesame seeds on top!


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