Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rainy Day .. Happy Day ..

To much rain in my city St.Louis Missouri since Saturday until today ... not only rain but comes along with thunderstorm too. For me, stay at home much better than driving around if not necessary. Because of that, I always try to find an activity around home for my little daughter, so she will not get bored .

One activity that I love to do with her is make a simply craft art, we have a small table in the corner of my basement filled up with many craft tools. I let her to do painting , playing around that table I called make a mess day LOL . So far she is enjoy it that. Like a couple days ago we made some animals craft from recycle papers such an old yellow pages book, left over fabric .. so simply but make her happy too. You don't have to buy an expensive toys to make your kids happy but do something simply together, believe me they will more appreciate. (*Thank you to Ms.Dita, who inspiring me ^-^
Since we love play together during the heavy rainy day, I let her to help me around the kitchen too. This time I made a simply cake for snack, no mixer need, just mixing all the ingredients together and let her little hands stir the batter , then bake.. voila... cake comes so good.

Sitting in the chair with my daughter look at the rains drop through the window with a piece of cake , a cup of hot tea . aah.. what a wonderful day :-)

Mango Ginger Bread
Adapted from Meta Kumara - What's For Lunch Honey

250 gr all purpose flour (I used cake flour)
190 gr fine sugar
3 eggs
180 ml canola oil
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (I used 2 tsp)
1/4 teaspoon salt
100 gr brown sugar (I used Javanese Dark Brown Sugar)
1 large ripe mango, cubed
115 gr plump golden raisins
Optional Icing/confectioner's sugar

Preparation Center a rack in the oven and preheat to 180 degrees C. Butter and flour a loaf pan tapping out the excess flour. Wrap the loaf pan with thick aluminum foil. This keeps the bottom of the bread from over baking.

In a clean mixing bowl whisk the eggs and oil together.

In separate, larger bowl, whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, spices and salt.

Add the brown sugar, breaking up any lumps with your fingers.

Pour in the wet ingredients over the dry, then using a rubber spatula or a wooden spoon mix until incorporated. Stir in the mangoes and raisins. pour the batter into the pan

Bake the bread for 1 hours or until golden brown and a knife inserted into the center comes out clean. If you find the bread is getting too dark, simply cover the top with a sheet of baking paper or loosely with a foil tent.
Transfer the pan to a rack and allow the bread to cool for 5 minutes. Run a knife around the sides of the pan and unmold. Invert and cool to room temperature right side up on the rack.

Sieve some of the icing sugar on top and serve!

Storing: Wrapped in plastic wrap or stored in a air-tight container the bread will keep for 4-5 days at room temperature (and taste better each day!).


  1. Mango ginger bread sounds great! I've made papaya bread before but not mango. I'll have to try this!

  2. Aah...kedengerannya enak bener ya hari2 hujannya.
    Salam cium dong buat Nisa, lucu dan imut2 bener :)
    Btw, itu bikin kura2nya gimana caranya?

  3. Again, another beautiful picture, Fitri! I will try your recipe, sounds delicious!



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