Saturday, February 4, 2017

Sewing Tova Dress

I've been sewing many Tova dress lately , I saw tova pattern about year ago but just have gut to order the pattern a couple months before.  I had doubt in my mind, if I just waste my money or I will like the pattern .. and after first attempt , and check Tova sew along on Kerry blog so many times, finally I know I am in the right path.   Even my daughter has faith in me, she asked me to make same tova dress (I can say Tova Top) like mine.    For her case, I used Small Size and adjusting in several places, I cut little bit small and cut arm hole about 1/4 inch bigger , and voila.. its fit.

Here is some of tova top I made , and I still have 1 more fabric to cut for myself .. so what do you think ?   

2 gingham tova for my daughter

 2 tova top for me

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