Friday, September 16, 2016


It's friday ... is time to doing some little working on pictures that I taken almost entire week, doing some little work on editing pictures that I taken almost everyday - updating my blog - adding recipes , Nothing fancy thou ..

The second fancy fox quilt is on the way to the new owner, a little smart girl who has bright talent on music.. I hope she will enjoy the quilt and happy to read her mom message on the back of the quilt that I personally hand-stitches for her.  I admit, it was take a lot of time making this quilt and tears also, I think just because I am so distracted with something else on my head ..  but I am so happy the quilt is come very nice ...

if you thinking about next quilt for yourself, kid or just for gift away , please don't hesitate to contact me , this day it will take 2-3 weeks before you get on your hand.  :)

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