Friday, June 12, 2015

Chocolate Banana Bread

It's Friday , banana bread is just come out from the oven , need to be wrap and sending out for my lovely friend I haven't seen in awhile . It always nice to having friend that you can share your life with , but life can be so busy , between summer school , swimming lesson, painting lesson , works .. but as you know that I love to keep in touch with nice friend around me.. even just 30 minute, I will be glad to see them ..
Chocolate banana bread is always become an easy treats to bring but delicious too ..
Happy Friday everyone, enjoy your time and call your best friend or sister or mom .. whoever care about you :)
Chocolate Banana Bread
50 grams walnut
250 grams flour
30 grams coco powder
200 grams granulated sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
80 grams chocolate chip
2 eggs
115 grams margarine (unsalted) melted
3 ripe bananas, peeled and mashed
vanilla extract


Preheat the oven 350F

In a big bowl mix together flour, coco powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Put it a side.

In a separated bowl, use the whisk to stir together the mashed bananas, eggs, margarine and vanila extract. Then slowly add mixture flour. Lastly add walnut and chocolate chips.

Bake for 45 – 1 hours or insert the skewer into the center of the bread. It should come out clean.

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