Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hourglass quilt

Hello .. how are you, all ?

As much as I love to updating my blog ; I hardly get enough time for myself to sit - and type what was going on in our life or put new recipes .  Life has been busy around us , with summer time is approaching , and school will end soon .. I know what will happen with my time is , spending time with kiddo and enjoy the summer .  I am not sure yet, but seem we will have a hot summer time this year, but hopefully not reach triple digits like last summer.

Finally I manage to finish my last quilt before end of May, as I promise and wrote on my note book.  I love the colors I put here.. so many cutting fabrics,  I fallen in love with the pattern as I saw at beloved quilter blog, Rita from Red Pepper Quilt Blog. Since than I told myself to make one :) to me, quilt must to bring happiness to everybody who will receive the quilt .. and I think I nail it ... the quit size is 53 x 68 inches..
The quilt will sending out the end of this month , and while still on my hand.. I have  privilege to keep looking and touching the softness of the quilt .
all right, will be right back for new recipe soon. meanwhile, please take care and stay safe everyone

ps : for some reason, I can't upload another quilt pictures - for you who knows me through IG already see the whole quilt pictures , and if you still wonder about whole picture check on my flickr photostream.


  1. Oh goodness, I am just speechless! You are so talented. Do you make dress too?

  2. @Dewi : Thank you mba Dewi, I do make dress for kids most..


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