Monday, January 6, 2014

Let it snow .. Let it snow

Let it snow .. Let it snow by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
The temperature in Midwest is so brutal lately - this is what happened since last Saturday, resident in my city got warning about the temperature change so drastic ahead of time .  Every one take so seriously ; even me went to grocery to stock up some stuff for home on Saturday, filled up gasoline for my car too.  Oh .. as you know, a very long line at casher, long line at gas station..  but that what you need to do, always have a backing plan.  No going out if not necessary, the warning that we heard over and over from our Mayor.

That is the picture I took from backyard, ooh .. I couldn't stay out just even 1 minute .. just took one snap , than running back inside ... brr...

Indeed the weather is totally crazy cold, snow started since Saturday eve until Sunday afternoon,, we received 10 inches of snow total .  And the temperature drop to 0 F on following day.  Bitterly cold, so crazy.  The school has been canceled since Monday until tomorrow; and you know.. I have 1 so active little kid at home, you must to do many thing to make her happy and not get bored easily...   My husband is so nice to taking care of her and create some kind of game together, they really play along nicely.  And what mom did than ? well ... making quilt block for my new project than ... after all, the snow days are not bad at all ...

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