Thursday, September 5, 2013

White Eggs Brownies

White Eggs Brownies by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
Here the things I don't like when I bake spekkoek layer cake, I will end up with gallons of white eggs  and sit on my freezer for long time. I really don't like to waste the food, even just white eggs.. After tired of making white scrumble eggs for me and my little one for our breakfast. I start looking another way to finish the left over white eggs. Don't be surprise you will find that I will posting more of recipe using white eggs.

Should I remind you first, that don't expect "WOW" effect like you always get from a real brownies recipe. To me, the taste of white eggs brownies is fair enough - kind of light compare with regular brownies. BUT .. still delicious according to my taste especially eating with scoop of vanilla ice cream.

So, here is the recipe :

White Eggs Brownies
source : NCC Indonesia

Ingredients :
A. 100 gr all purpose flour
     50 gr granulate sugar

B. 250 gr dark cooking chocolate
     100 gr un-salted butter

C. 100 gr granulate sugar
     150 gr white eggs

D. 100 gr almond slice
Directions :

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Butter and flour an 8-inch square pan.
Mix the A ingredients, set aside
Melt the B ingredients, with double boiler method. Mix with the flour mixture. set aside
In a mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat the white eggs at medium speed until soft peak add sugar slowly, beat until medium peak. Turn of the mixer. Add the white eggs to flour batter, stir with spatula until mix well.
Pour the batter into a greased and floured 8-inch square pan , sprinkle with almond slices and bake for 45 minutes. Check for doneness with the tried-and-true toothpick method: a toothpick inserted into the center of the pan should come out clean. When it's done, remove to a rack to cool. Resist the temptation to cut into it until it's mostly cool.


1 comment:

  1. An interesting recipe! Those brownies look delicious.




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