Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ketan Serundeng Ikan / Glutinous Rice Cake with Shreded Fish Topping

I've been contacted by Lubna Karim - from Yummy Food ; to participate into her event "Joy from fasting to feasting" about a week ago. But with all 'the chaos' around me ; I hardly to manage my time until today . 
I love her idea to share our tradition to other fellow blogger during Ramadan - wish I have more time to take more decent picture than the one I sent to her.

Take a peek at her blog and her event HERE - and you will find so many interesting recipes from all around the world and common serve during Ramadan.

I share 'Ketan Serundeng Ikan'  recipe and will be posted at her blog on August, 7. This recipe is always bring my childhood memory back - the time that I love to sit together with my family for iftar (fasting break time).  After all, what better than soul food for yourself, huh ? :)

Ketan Serundeng Ikan / Glutinous Rice Cake with Fish Shreded Topping by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
Ketan Serundeng Ikan // Glutinous Rice Cake with Shredded Fish Topping
Ingredients :
500gr glutinous rice , rinsed well, soaked into the warm water for 1 hours, drained
250ml lite coconut milk
2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp salt
Ingredients for fish topping :
300gr red snapper fillet or tuna or tilapia ; steam for about 10 minutes ; shredded when is cold enough to handle
2 Bay Leaves
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 1/4 tsp salt
1 1/4 tsp sugar
2 Lime Leaves
The Spices, grind very well all the ingredients bellow with mortar or food processor :
3 medium garlic
2 red bird pepper / 2 tbsp sambel oelek
1/2 tsp coriander powder
5 shallot
Directions :
1. Steam the glutinous rice for about 10 minutes
2. Meanwhile In medium pot, boiled coconut oil, turmeric powder, salt - stir very well. Than, add into the rice, mix together, add lime juice. Steam it again until cooked through about 15 more minutes.
3. Fish Topping : in medium wok, saute the spices , bay leaves, lime leaves with vegetable oil until translucent, than add shredded fish , stir ; add sugar and salt. Cooked until the mixture become dry.
4. Serve the cake rice with fish topping. Enjoy.


  1. Yummy! I miss this kind of food.

    Btw, I like your new design!

  2. That dish looks and sounds delicious! Very original.




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