Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Summer Quilt Blanket

Summer Quilt Blanket by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
It took a long weeks, to finished this blanket .. I didn't feel to do anything for several weeks, just being lazy :(  In fact, this is a first time I did a hand stitching for top quilt.. Did you notice the leaf petal on the plain block ?  I like the result.  I think I will make another one , but I promise this time I will do it fast, before the plant season is coming, I will be busy working out door rather than sit and sewing.. well, we will see.
I don't bother to measure the finish size of quilt, it's quite big, thou. Perfect for summer picnic blanket. In fact the quilt is already on the hand of  a lovely nice lady :D - She was so happy with the quilt .
And for the weekend, I made 2 scrappy bucket for me and my daughter too, it was fun to grab of left over fabrics and create something cute like this. The big version is for me, I put a lot of stuff in there, and the small version is for my daughter, she loved carry here and there... She put her daily journal and crayons , she love to write everything she see while she sit in the car :D

If you like to make your own, please check the tutorial from my beloved talented Chase
HERE (click)


  1. Can I come over and learn all of these things you made? You are so talented!

  2. Yes,please mba Dewi :) - I will be glad to teach you..

  3. So lovely buckets, nice fabrics! I love Chase´s tutorial too :) Have a nice time, Jolana


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