Saturday, March 2, 2013

cold weekend..

Already March second !! Still cold at STL - and just typical Saturday morning, my husband go for half day work, most the time just meet clients , and me must to take a little one for gymnastic class every Saturday morning.
Wake up early this morning my 6yo daughter said, "today is Dr. Seuss's Birthday and I want green egg for breakfast" *you might know book A Green Eggs And Ham- from Dr. Seuss* eeww...*  anyway, she made her own egg, 1 egg + 1 drop of blue food coloring , whisk very well = green egg. {ooh, my I forgot to take a picture} , oh yups.. she eat those green egg + 2 slice of bread and ready for gymnastic!
Yesterday she brought home , a change box as a part of Pennies for Patients Program. Which is the kids from her school will collecting spare change around the house and donating the money to support LLS's mission (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society) - mostly for kids with cancer.  And what make me proud is, she just 6yo and she already think one step ahead , if she can do a lot of chore and get paid for it, her box will fill up soon.  And she really did ..  make up her bed, clean her room, fold the clothes etc.  And she get pay for good cause  :)

good reading by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis

What? Me ? during cold weekend ? is too cold to go outside, just reading some good books and flip sewing magazines I got several days ago. It's really good book, though..   The Japanese Sewing book I got from Joann's - on sale + commotion coupon, the final price was $7 ! And James Patterson novel (my favorite author) just 75cent from Thrift Store.
In fact, I have another reason to visit fabric store soon *I can't find exact coordinating fabric for binding and backing from my drawer* {really??, are you serious ? } - well, do you see my blankets ?? those are not finish, I don't have a fabrics .. ooh GOD ... ^_^
Have a nice weekend, every one. Thank you for stopping by . This is just my rambling..


  1. You should be proud of her mbak, kecil kecil rasa kemanusiaannya dah tinggi. Hebaaat. Btw, kirain blanketnya dah siap delivery tnyata kurang kainnya ya, tapi ada waktu buat belanja belanji lagi doooongggg *wink

  2. You are lucky to have such a sensitive and conscientious daughter :)


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