Friday, February 15, 2013

Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie

Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
Are you in stage of being 'sick' when I posted recipe with left over / ugly banana ? LOL - I know , I know .. but to be honest, I need more creative than just make a banana bread , all right actualy I have another reason , I need to get more healthy as my healthy new year resolution is being fade in just second month of new year .. *eeeww..*  
And mommy need a new bikini for summer break *grin*

The recipe is so simple, and I can just drink this smoothie and won't feel hungry until late afternoon ...

Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie

Ingredients :
1 banana
1-2 tbsp. peanut butter
2 tbsp. cocoa powder
1 tbsp honey
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup ice

even more better you can add (as I do)
1 scoop protein powder or
1 scoop flax seed or
1 scoop antioxidant omega 3 or
any kind of protein food that you can find from a healthy store near by

1.Combine all of the ingredients in a blender.
2.Blend until smooth and creamy.
3.Pour and serve cold.


  1. Hmm..... everybody is doing smoothies, this time of year, after eating too much for Christmas, CNY and V Day LOL I think maybe time for me to jump in too ;) Chocolate, pb and banana (bonyor??) sounds very good!

  2. LOL .. Denise, why I always laugh when you write 'bonyor' well, for this smoothie make sure not too 'bonyor' , you don't want end up drinking a yucky stuff.. LOL

  3. Nisa..

    wow nice! enak kalau dapat menghirup smooties dikala cuaca panas seperti di M'sia rasanya nyaman sekali. Tapi mata ct lebih tertumpu pada gelas itu sangat cantik. disini masih tak jumpa :D


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