Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ketan Unti // Glutinous Rice Cake

Ketan Unti by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
I just want to make something that bring my childhood memory back, this dish .. a simple dish .. that most Indonesian's eat for breakfast , Ketan Unti / Glutinous Rice Cake with sweet coconut topping .

So far, only me and my little one enjoy this dish .. not my hubby, well.. he is a picky eater (not much of fan Indonesian traditional cake)

Ketan Unti / Glutinous Rice Cake

Recipe :
300 g glutinous white rice
200 g thick coconut milk
1/2 tsp salt

1.Soak the glutinous rice about 1 hours
2.Steam glutinous rice in steamer for about 10 minutes , mean while in medium pot, add coconut milk and salt. bring to boil, turn of the heat. Add the glutinous rice  , stir well.
3.Put back to the steamer and cooked about 30 - 45 minute
4.Remove and leave to cool.
5.Serve with coconut toping.

Sweet Coconut Topping
150 g palm sugar *gula jawa - jaggery - brown sugar*
3 Tbsp sugar
1 pandan leave (knotted)
1 grated coconut
pinch of salt
50ml water

1.Break the brown sugar/palm sugar into small pieces. Combine with the sugar, salt, pandan leave and water. Cover over a medium flame until sugar dissolves.

2.Add in grated coconut and stir till fragrant. Cook about 20 minute.


  1. Sama ama di sini mbak, songkolo bagadang atau semacam ketan serundeng dipake tuk sarapan. Enak siiiih, hihi

  2. Gak nolak kl dikasih. aku suka banget ketan rasa savory, hmm langsung ngileerrr... kelihatan taburannya so yummy

  3. Very nice fitri. Reminds me of my childhood too : )

  4. Hai Nisa ...bikin ngences juga lihat menunya ketan unti. lama juga nggak makan, tapi bnggak boleh berlebihan bisa angin satu badan hehehe


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