Friday, August 31, 2012

Me time...

me-time by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
quilting time mean me time !, while wife taking over a dinning table mean no dinner tonite. LOL - should I send hubby and kid going to McD for dinner  ? No doubt, my daughter will have 'dora dancing' , *she wish ..  I send her for McD meal .. :O*

Anyway, this is a big quilt blanket I ever make, made me move my sewing machine from basement to dinning table.. jeezz.. and than I did boring job ever, sewing vertical and horizontal line for at least twin bed size blanket. And I can say ... I won't do this no more :p


  1. Waaaaaaaaak...kalo ngerjain blanketnya sebulan, sebulan juga makan di luarnya?? kwkwkwkw

    Anyway...gak sabar pengen lihat hasil selimutnya dibentangkan...

  2. go...mommy... wuuiiihh pengen liat hasil akhirnya juga.. antri dibelakang hesti :)

  3. Fitri, kalo kita antri di bikinin dah :P...sukses mak.

  4. Mau liat hasilnya...ngantri dibelakang Rita


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