Monday, July 30, 2012

Pisang Molen Keju // Banana Wrapped in pastry

Pisang Molen Keju by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
It's only me or others feel the same like I do ? I always miss my home town, my extended families especially during Ramadan. I miss the moments while we were a little, mom prepared snack - a sweet's stuff for iftar before we continue with together pray.
Actually I don't really care to make dessert for iftar (the evening meal for breaking fasting during the Islamic month of Ramadan) especially when summer like this, our fasting is getting longer than others. We start since 4.30am till 8.30pm. So, no time to snacking off course.
But not this snack that I've been craving since see the recipe from my talented fellow blogger, mba
Hesti - thought I gain 1 lbs everytime visiting her blog .. *grin*

Here is the copy of recipe I got from her. You can use ready to use puff pastry instead but to me, I always want to get as close as the original taste, so it's fine for me to spend more time for preparing to get a very delicious Pisang Molen Keju as like I always get from bread store at Bandung area a very long time ago.

250 gr tepung terigu
30 gr gula pasir
2 kuning telur
125 gr butter + 1 sdm butter (Hesti using 125gr korsvet)
1/2 sdt garam (skip if use salted butter)

Pisang Raja yang matang (kukus, potong-potong)
Keju (i used cheddar slice)
gula pasir atau susu kental manis
1 kuning telor + 1 sdt madu untuk olesan

Cara Membuat :
1. Kulit Pastry campur terigu, gula, garam, aduki rata, tambahkan kuning telor dan air, aduk kembali . Terakhir tambahkan 1 sdm butter. Bulatkan, simpan di kulkas selama 15 menit.

2. Keluarkan dari kulkas , giling membentuk persegi panjang,isi dengan 125gr butter dingin, Tutup dari bagian yang tidak mencapai butter ke tengah lipatan. Giling lagi , dan lipat kembali seperti cara pertama. Lakukan sebanyak 4x lipatan. Simpan kembali di kulkas.

3. Giling tipis adonan , potong kotak (exact square) taburi tengah adonan dengan gula pasir atau susu kental manis sedikit, beri potongan pisang raja, beri irisan keju (Fitri : pakai setengah irisan keju cheddar slice), Beri gula sedikit diatas nya. Lipat seperti amplop. Oles dengan kuning telur yang telah di campur madu.

3. Letakkan di baking pan, beri jarak, panggang sampai kuning ke-emasan. (Fitri : 350 F selama 20menit)

Note :
- if you need translation of this recipe, please send me message.

- I've been tried short cut before using 'ready to use, puff pastry' the result was puff very nicely on the oven, 10 minute after left oven.. the pastry is shrink.. eeeerrr.. so, to me, the best way is made from stratch.


  1. Oh wow! THat is pretty delicious looking pisang molen.

  2. Cantiiiiik mbak. Untung di sana ada pisang raja ya mbak jd sukses bikin molennya. Aku ngileeeer lagiiii...pasti lebih enak pake full butter!


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