Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mango Ice Cream

Mango Ice Cream by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
I'm craving for Mango Ice cream for quiet while than I found mango ice cream recipe without ice maker.. kind of doubt little bit, since I want an Ice Cream not shorbet.

This recipe is perfect to me - the texture of Ice cream is so smooth with hint of the aroma's cardamom. - well, first time making I just put a little bit of cardamom, I want to know my daughter or husband reaction.. THEY LIKE IT

Mango Ice CreamFrom : cooks-hideout.blogspot.com

Mango puree – 2½ cups
Heavy cream – 1 cup
Whole milk – 2cups
Sugar – ¾ cup
Cardamom powder – 2tsp
Cornstarch – 1½tbsp
Light Corn syrup – 2tbsp
Cream cheese – 3tbsp, softened (to make ice cream scoopable)

Whisk cornstarch with 3tbsp milk in a small bowl and set aside.
Add the rest of the milk to a sauce pan along with cream, corn syrup and sugar. Bring to a boil; lower the heat and simmer the mixture until sugar dissolves, about 5-6 minutes.
Add the mango puree and simmer for another 2 minutes.
Take off the heat and slowly stir in the cornstarch slurry, mix thoroughly and put it back on flame.
Return to boil and cook on medium flame until the mixture thickens a little, about 2 minutes.
Take the mixture of the heat, whisk in the softened cream cheese and cardamom powder.
Allow to cool completely; (my method is let chill for 2 hours, and next put a whole an ice cream into blendder, and put back into the bowl or bakin pan, chill for 4 hours or overnight so you will a very smooth ice cream without ice cream maker.


  1. Love mango ice cream. I've been wanting to make mango ice for a long time.

  2. You are such a great mom :-) Home-made mango ice cream is the best! We are having mango season here, best time to eat mango!


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