Friday, February 3, 2012

NO BAKING TODAY : Scrapy Log Cabin

scrapy log cabin by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis
I always want to learn about quilting ! I can't belive that I did ; this is my first time scrapy log cabin ever. The block keep on growing .. and I still don't know how far i can go :)

Don't worry, not hard at all - you can find so many free tutorial through flickr or youtube . You just need a lot of scrap fabrics and passion for sure :)

Happy Weekend everyone,


  1. Ah, it's pretty hard for me :(!

  2. hhuaaahh, so cute dan cantik bu! sukaa...

  3. Mbak Fitri, ...rajin banget! karyamu rapih banget, cantik banget. You're very talented.

  4. Hahhhhh??? mupeeeeeeng...aih mbak Fitri jago banget quiltingnya. Salut deh sama ketelatenan mbak. Udah jago masak and baking, jago quilting lagi...pasti masih banyak juga keterampilan yg lain. Sebagai wujud apresiasiku, aku ada award buat mbak Fitri. Semoga berkenan diterima. Please drop by and collect ya...


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