Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Horn Breads

Horn Breads by Fitri D. // Rumah Manis

Uh..oh.. just realize that I'm baking alot during fall season .. hmm.. maybe the reason is keep my kitchen warm :)  .  I so much in love with water roux method lately, never fail and the bread comes so softly. This time I made horn shape which is remind me about my childhood bread my parent used to buy for us.

The base of bread recipe , use the same recipe here : http://mommy-nisa.blogspot.com/2011/11/coconut-bread-photo-by-fitri-d.html

I made 2 style of bread filling- so my daughter and husband can chose whatever they like ; to me, since I want to bring back  my childhood memories. I choose Napoleon Vla, but to them .. olalala.. they like both :)  Here is the filling recipe I made, let me share with you :

Chocolate Cream Cheese Filling
2/3 of (12 oz.) pkg. (1 1/3 c.) Nestle Toll House semi sweet chocolate morsels, divided
2 (3 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sifted confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup heavy cream, whipped

Melt over hot (not boiling) water, 1 cup Nestle Toll House semi sweet chocolate morsels; stir until smooth. Set aside. In medium bowl, combine cream cheese, confectioners' sugar and raspberry flavored liqueur; beat until creamy. Gradually add melted morsels; beat well. Fold in whipped cream.

Napoleon Vla

450 ml milk

100 gr sugar

2 yellow eggs

50 gr corn flour

60 ml whipping cream

1/2 tbsp unsalted butter

2 tbsp Rhum (optional)

Direction :
1. mix maizena with 3 tbsp of milk, set aside . Whisk yellow egg with fork, add a spoon of milk, set aside

2. In a medium pan, with medium heat boil milk and sugar, add maizena mixture, little by little.

3. Take 1 spoon of hot milk mixture into yellow egg ; adding the egg mixture to the pot. mixing well, add whipped cream, mix well until with low heat.

4. Turn of the heat, add 1 tbsp of butter, mix well. Set aside. Add rhum if you use it.

Note : I bought the horn cone from Indonesia, 2 years ago . but you can order through Amazon.Com http://www.amazon.com/Fox-Run-Cream-Horn-Molds/dp/B0000CFMSP  or make your own from hard paper like this http://homecookinginmontana.blogspot.com/2009/06/bread-cones.html


  1. Salam kenal MBak Fitri...

    Rotinya menggoda banget, ternyata cantik juga dibikin horn. Aku biasanya pake adonan puff pastry, tapi lain kali pingin coba resep mbak Fitri.

    MAkasih Mbak udah sharing resepnya...

  2. Duhh kangen ama rasanya roti ini. Kebayang kl pk chocolate hazelnuts filling *penggila nutella soalna*

    Lemparin gw yakkk

  3. pakek cara Tangzhong ya mak ....pengen cobaaa... thank u for comporing :)


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