Monday, January 10, 2011

Coconut Marble Cake

Do you have a new year resolution ? Did you already break your a new year resolution ? Well, some people still make a new year resolution every year, and how many of them passed it ? I bet every one has at least once a new year resolution.

I'm not so organize people who always make notes , and I know I couldn't or even forget what is my goal last year ? What I know is today I lost 5 lbs. *I did Dora's Dancing* :DD ... and still long way to go, since I already have number on my mind . Hopefully I can reach it. And another promise i made to my self is to be more patient behind the wheel. *gosh, can't you believe that I got ticket for speeding right before Christmas.. it was suck !! $100,- is gone !! - no more speeding, no more reckless..please !

OK, than enough about me ! Now lets back to the kitchen :))

What I remember is, this is already 3 times I bake Coconut Marble Cake during 2 weeks, surprised me is my daughter loves this cake very much. Pretty simple and yet delicious, lets try ..

Coconut Marble Cake

Recipe Ingredients
1 1⁄2 sticks (3⁄4 cup) unsalted butter, softened
1 1⁄2 cups sugar
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla extract
4 large eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup coconut powder
1 cup coconut milk
2 tsp coconut extract
1⁄2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 cups sweetened flaked coconut, finely chopped

Chocolate Drizzle: 1⁄2 cup semisweet chocolate chips melted

Garnish: toasted coconut

Recipe Preparation
1. Heat oven to 350°F. Grease and flour a 10-in. (12-cup) bundt pan.

2. Beat butter, sugar, baking powder, coconut extract in a large bowl with mixer on high 3 minutes or until fluffy. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each. On low speed, beat in flour in 3 additions alternately with coconut milk in 2 additions, just until blended, scraping sides of bowl as needed.

3. Melt chocolate chips in a medium bowl in microwave as pkg directs. Cool slightly, then stir in 1 1⁄2 cups batter until blended.

4. Stir coconut into remaining batter. Spoon 2 cups into prepared pan. Drop spoonfuls of chocolate batter into pan, leaving spaces between each dollop. Drop spoonfuls coconut batter between chocolate batter. Repeat, alternating batters, with the rest. Run a knife through batters to marbleize.

5. Bake 55 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center of cake comes out clean. Cool in pan on a wire rack 15 minutes before inverting cake on rack to cool completely.

6. Scrape melted chocolate into a small zip top bag. Cut a tip off 1 corner and pipe chocolate over cake; sprinkle with toasted coconut.

Planning Tip: Can be made up to 5 days ahead. Store covered at room temperature.


  1. Hi, Fitri! Happy new year! So nice to see your post in 2011. And look forward to many many more, okay?

    And referring to your question, yes.. I did make my family Tiramisu, the only thing I had time to prepare for them...

    This marble cake is so nostalgic. Recalled my aunt used to bake for all of us in the past, just miss the softness and great aroma of it! And now you again present it in such a flair!

    Let's do more baking while I am wishing you the whole year full of laughter, great health, joy and love!

  2. Hi Fitri!
    Happy New Year! I love this coconut marble cake. It looks so good and so delicious! I love everything you make and your photos are stunning too!
    Best wishes,

  3. I am a big fan of the bundt cake, and of chocolate and coconut combined, too. So I think I'll have to try this cake very soon! :)


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