Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekend and Kitchen ?

Actually I made my own 'rule' - avoid kitchen on week end ! Really, sometime I get bored and don't know what should I cook or bake during week end after long day on week-day *sigh* finally I know why my mom get bored too ^_^

But not last weekend, I still busy cooking and baking on Sunday ! well, the reason was, nasty weather !! wet weather a whole week-end , ayayaaaaa ... So, no other choice. We (read, me and my daughter stay home while my husband went with his friend to check the car) Oh, well .. another regular day ! Cooking, Baking, make a small kitchen warm.

And for weekend snack i bake a simple snack like this :D

Queen Cake

8 tbsp butter, softened

115 gr superfine sugar

2 large eggs, lightly beaten

4 tsp lemon juice

175 gr self-rising white flour

115 gr currants

2 - 4 tbsp milk, if necessary

Method :

Put 19 paper baking cases in a muffin pan.

Put butter and sugar in a bowl and beat together until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs, then beat in the lemon juice with tablespoon of flour. Using a metal spoon, fold in the remaining flour and the currants, adding a little mix if necessary to give a soft dropping consistency. Spoon the batter into the paper cases.

Bake the cupcake in a preheated oven 350 F for 15-20 minutes, or until well risen and golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool

Don't STEAL the Images !


  1. I love the rule you have! We all need some rest, don't we? Lovely cakes by the way!

  2. I will do the same if I were you... the weather here is very nasty too - sizzling heat that causes buring sensation on our skin..

    Anyway, these cupcakes are great... Any reason why they are called "Queen Cake" ha ha just curious...

    Have a nice week ahead!

    Sawadee from Bangkok,

  3. @ Anh : yes, you need to spoiled your self after a hectic days LOL

    @ Kris : why Queen ? May be I need to ask my daughter :) that was the first word out from her mouth after saw the cake, oh well.. next I just using 'the name' she gives :)


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