Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Little Sunshine wants a rainbow ..

I quite busy to take care of my sick baby since last week . She complained about throat-ache after came back from Science Centre with dad. And it got worse the day after, her body temperature so high, i knew that I can't just wait . So, we decided to take her to Emergency Room. That was late night, and we came back home 5 hours latter. The result came negative. It was mean, she just got common flu, no need to worry.

2 days after, she still sick and more worse than before. Sometime she look normal in the morning, but always has high fever at night , got bad dream and screamed alot. And with the swine flu out-break around the world, I more and more worry. Again, I took her to pediatrician. This time, doctor said.. 'she is actually healthy kid, just common flu and no antibiotic need, just buzz with vitamins only'

Hmm.. i can take a breath a little bit, no need to worry.. but honest to GOD, I couldn't do regular activity, she just want me 'around' her . That was probably good for me too. To take a rest for while.

No bake(ing), No 'hard' cook(ing), No chatt(ing), No face book(ing) !! LOL. But, you know me, I can't just relax do nothing, so I made a little toy for her, to make her smile . It was hard little bit, since I have no basic sewing skill, and finally I made it after 3 days struggle to put leg together hahahahah..

Finally after 10 days , she back on the track, she feels more better and already has special request, she said : "mommy, I want a rainbow cake"

Oh, well.. its time to back to the kitchen :D

A Rainbow Cake

8 eggs

220g caster sugar

150g all purpose flour, sifted

50 g corn flour (maizena)

100g butter, melted

1 tbsp emulsifier

1 tsp rosen water (I found this from International Grocery Store, the aroma was good)

1 tsp pandan food coloring

1 tsp chocolate powder, dissolved with 1 tsp hot water

Chocolate for decorating (additional)

Butter Cream frosting

100g butter

100 g vegetable shortening

300g powder sugar (icing sugar)

2 tbsp condense milk

Direction :

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Prepare 3 - 8inch round cake tins, lined with baking paper.

Beat the eggs , sugar, emulsifier until pale, thick and tripled in volume. Fold in the flour and butter . Divide into 3 medium bowl, and add food coloring in every bowl, mix gently. Pour into the tins.

Bake for 12-15 minutes or until springy to the touch.

Meanwhile, make the frosting.

Beat all ingredients until pale and creamy, about 6-8 minutes. Spread into the cake and decor with chocolate if desire


  1. It must be your happy moment as she said : Mommy .. the cake is delicious. Then she hug you and whispering the magic mantra "I love you.."
    Sweet, isn't it ?

  2. Yoloo.. maaas.. lo bikin gue nangis deh, bener banget. She like to say that mantra. :)

  3. Hope she gets well soon.Ya,especially the swine flu outbreak..make us worry.wow,you really good in sewing.The dolly is so beautiful.I like making one for my daughter but i have no sewing skill.The cake looks so soft and fluff.Hmm i want to me this later ...btw the recipe for the center of my header is call mutli color kuih..:)

  4. Ah, senengnya ya Nissa udah mau minta kue lagi...
    Maem yg banyak ya, Nissa...
    sana minta bikinin macem2 sama Mama..hehe...
    Btw, itu cat nya bagus beneran lho, ayo buat lagi!

  5. Rainbow cake is beautiful and tempting! :-)

    Have seen your entry for DMBLGIT! Beautiful photo, Fit! Wish you will win!


  6. First time dropping here, what's a nice blog! Will keep to visit you....

  7. mau coba juga ah....for my lil' rainbow. Tengkyu for inspiring me :)
    lam kenal ya...

  8. Mak, gw ada award bwt ente, silahkan mampir dan ambil di http://www.mamas3boys.blogspot.com

  9. Hi,
    I tried out this cake, and it was fabulous.
    Thanks for the recipe :)


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