Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bakpao / Pao / Baozi

Indonesian cuisine is as varied as its culture. With the world’s fourth largest population made up of 250 ethnic groups and spread out over 6,000 populated islands, Indonesia, as can be imagined, is a land of huge diversity.
The archipelago once lay along the ancient trading routes between the Middle East and the Far East, a position that opened it wide to the influences from many far-off places. The most popular dishes that originated in Indonesia are now common across most of Asia. Popular Indonesian dishes such as bakpao, siomay also easy to find in Malaysia,
Singapore, Thailand and others Asian country .

Bakpao is a type of steamed, filled bread item in various Chinese cuisines as there is much variation as to the fillings and the preparations. It can be filled with meat and / or vegan fillings . It can be eaten at any meal and is often eaten for breakfast.

What a wonderful day ?? woke up early morning, check my e-mail and got message like this :

"Bakpao/ Pao/Baozi made the Foodbuzz Top 9 today! The Foodbuzz Top 9 is a photo-driven collection of top-buzzed posts within the Foodbuzz community. You may also see your photo in some of the dynamic Top 9 ads running today in the Foodbuzz community. Congratulations again, and thanks for being a part of Foodbuzz!Cheers,The Foodbuzz Editorial Team"

Yeaaaaaaaaah.. !! :D

Source : Mr.Sahak Pribadi

Skin :

250 gr white starch flour / hongkong flour
250 gr flour
50 gr sugar
1 sachet Instant Yeast
1 tsp. baking powder
50 gr. sugar
30 gr. milk powder
250 ml cold water
50 gr shortening
1/2 tsp. salt


100 gr ground beef meat or chicken
2 chopped garlic
1 small onion
5 shallots, thin sliced
1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp tapioca water


(1) Beat all the skin ingredients together in a mixer till it's not sticky. At this stage the skin will be very soft. Leave to proof for 45 minutes
(2) Fillings: Fry shallots and garlic till fragrant then add in all the sauce, and the rest ingredients and then thicken with tapioca water. Off the heat, let it cool
(3) Divide the dough into small balls of 40 gr
(4) Roll out the dough, place the fillings in the middle and the pinch the dough together to make into a flower shape.
(5) Rest pao for 30 minutes and then steam over high heat for 10 minutes.


  1. HIhihhi .. pengeeeeennn bakpao-nyaaa ....
    Ho oh mak gw baru bikin blog akhir bln ini nich .. masih acak2an banget, thanks for stoppin by :) luv ya xoxo

  2. Lina, happy blogging.. enjoy your time with your blog. :D

  3. Fitri thank you for your kind words, congrats to you as well!!! Your website is beautiful if only I could taste all of your food :)

  4. oh wow these look so good congrats on top 9

  5. Hi Fitri. Congrats on being one of the nine today :)
    Can you bake these? Either way i will be making these! Thanks and have a great weekend.

  6. Your bao is beautiful! congrats on making it to the top 9 on fb :) Your blog has so many delicious foods :)~

  7. yeahhhh congrats ya fitttttt, keep up the good work!

  8. Congratulations for reaching the Foodbuzz Top 9! Wow!!! Your bakpao looks delicious. I want to try this recipe :-)

    Have a great weekend, Fit..


  9. Congrats on Foodbuzz top 9! This looks so yummy! I love such dough balls with a filling in them.


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