Sunday, April 5, 2009

Coffee Bread // Mexican Bun

I remember 2 years ago when I went to my country, Indonesia for visit , me and other friend went to Pasaraya Food Court. She told me about the famous bread store which just sell one variety of bread, Mexican bun .. !! woow.. never heard about that before . My Goodness.. people stay on the line just to get those bread. Well, what I can say is .. my friend was right, the bread so delicious and since than I never forget the taste, the smell ..

Since make bread no longer nightmare let me sharing the recipe to you too, with my bread maker method too off course :-) .

Coffee Bread //Mexican Bun

500 gram all purpose flour, sifted - if you have bread flour, that will be great too

1 pack of active yeast ( +/- 7 gram)

¼ cup warm water

1 tsp sugar

200 cc tepid water or less depend on your dough

2 eggs , room temperature

25 gram full cream milk powder

50 gram caster sugar
1 tsp salt
75 gram butter, softened

Filling :
160 gram salted butter, cut into 16 pieces @ 10 gram,
keep into refrigerator until ready to use

Topping :

75 gram unsalted butter

100 gram powder sugar

2 tbsp instant coffee - strong coffee is recommended

1 egg

75 gram all purpose flour

20 gram milk powder

1 tsp coffee-essence

Directions :
Sprinkle the yeast onto ¼ cup the tepid water add 1 tsp sugar, stir, and set aside for 10 minutes until foamy. If yeast are foamy mean yeast active

In a mixer with dough hooks, mix flour, milk powder, caster sugar, eggs and waters until all mixed, then add butter and salt. Mix well, then knead it for a second time until dough become elastic. Put in the big clean bowl, cover with plastic.

Set a side for 1 hour or until raise well, double in size. And you can start to prepare the topping too this time.

Punched the dough and knead again lightly, then divide them into small size about 30 – 40 gram each ,then rolls into balls, flatten a ball of dough with the palm of your hand. Place filling in the centre of the dough, be sure to seal well or the filling will leak out during baking.

Let stand for another 45 minute in a warm place

Pipe the topping on the buns in a spiral, starting from the centre.

Bake in preheated oven at 350 F for 20 minute or until buns are lightly brown

Make Topping :
Beat butter and icing sugar in electric mixer with the paddle attachment on medium speed for five minute until mixture is light and fluffy. Gradually beat in eggs. Mix in coffee flavouring.

Shift flour onto mixture and mix on low speed until combined.

Set a side until ready to use.


  1. I love how these turned out. The color of the crust looks great, too. With a nice cup of coffee or tea. Delish!

  2. wiiii.... rajin dia loooo, mexican buns itu kan yang wanginya dahsyat ya? gampang bikinnya ga mak?

  3. yeah everyone is craxy for this bread even in malaysia.your mexican buns look great :)

  4. These look delicious! They must be great with a cup of coffee or tea.

  5. Wow these look great. I love how they get a dark outer coating as they bake.

  6. yuhuuu.... lagi party ini hari yah mak. banyak buns dirumah lo. bentar gw mampir yah:)

  7. Hello Fitri,

    I was surprise to read about Mexican Bread being sold in your country. This bread looks a lot like one that we call "conchas" (shells) in Mexico. But since there are about 1200 varities of breads in my country, it is hard to tell which one is this one. They look so yummy.

    Great pictures!


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