Friday, March 20, 2009

Lemon Ricotta Cake

You don't want to waste to much time in the kitchen I believe, but still need something yummy and delicious for a nice warm afternoon, let's try Lemon Ricotta Cake. And guest how long this cake will stay ?? ^_^

Ingredients :

175g softened butter
175g caster sugar
3 lemons
, zested
3 eggs
, separated
250 gr ricotta cheese

125g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder

Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4.

Butter and flour an 18cm spring-form cake tin.

Beat the butter and sugar with an electric whisk until light and fluffy then beat in the zest, yolks and ricotta.
Whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks, then fold into the ricotta mixture.

Fold in the flour and baking powder then spoon the mixture into the tin.

Bake for 35 minutes until risen, firm and golden in colour. Cool for an hour in the tin.


  1. Mmmm, that cake looks delicious! And doesn't seem too difficult to make either. Great job! :)

  2. I love ricotta in cake, and yours looks great! Wish I could have some now.

  3. Your cake looks wonderful - your photography is beautiful, as well!

  4. Keren euy...fotonya! Pinter amat, ada efek 'blur' nya. Coba tolong ditransfer ilmunya..hehe...kameramu merk apa, Fit?

  5. gue tinggal ngilerrrr...:((((....kiriimmmm qiqiiqiqiqi :P

  6. Hi and welcome to MBC! Great blog.

  7. To All : Thank you, all for your's nice comment :-)

    @ Henny : aku pake kamera pocket Hen :-)

  8. Imagine having that slice with a cup of tea in your garden, with the birds chirping happily and in the evening soft breeze... gosh, heaven!

  9. Hello Fitri,
    I really enjoy your desserts.

    This Award is for you, enjoy and pass it to others.


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