Sunday, February 1, 2009

Almond Crisp Drizzled With Chocolate ... look at the title of this cookies.. so long.. like a train ^_^ hiyaaa... but try it , and you won't stop!!

Almond Crisp Drizzled With Chocolate
source : Cookies - William Sonoma

125 gr un-salted butter, at room temperature
220 gr firmly packed light brown sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract or use 1 tsp almond extract
125 gr all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
60 gr finely chopped almonds

For Chocolate Glazed

185 gr semi sweet chocolate, chopped
1 tsp solid vegetable shortening

Directions :

In a large bowl, using electric mixer on high speed, cream the butter until it is fluffy and pale yellow. Add the brown sugar and continue beat on high speed until the mixture is no longer gritty when rubbed between your finger and thumb. Add the egg and extract and beat on low speed until blended.

Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt together onto a sheet of waxed paper. Add to the butter mixture and mix on low speed or stir with a wooden spoon until well blended. stir in the almonds.

preheat the oven 350 F . Have ready 2 ungreased baking sheet.

drop the batter by level teaspoon onto the baking sheet, spacing the cookies at least 5 cm apart. bake until the edges turn golden but the cookies are still soft, about 5 - 7 minute. Let the cookies cool on the pans on wire rack for exactly 5 minutes before carefully transferring them to the racks to cool completely.

to make the chocolate glazed, put the chocolate and the shortening in the top of double boiler over barely simmering water, and stir until melted and blended.

using the tines of fork, drizzle the chocolate on the top of a cooled cookie. repeat the remaining cookies. set on wire rack and let cool until set, about 1 hour.


  1. gue ikutan bikin aaahhhh.....duh bener nih ga bakal berenti ya fit :D

  2. Awesome presentation. Makes me drool.

  3. Halo Fit apa kabar nih...?
    Saya simpan link nya yah...!


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