Monday, September 29, 2008

Ied Mubarak

Let’s write all the mistakes down in the sand

And let the wind of forgiveness erase it away

Happy Idul Fitri, Minal Aidin wal Faizin


  1. Selamat Idul Fitri Mbak...
    Maaf lahir batin.
    Gak mudik Mbak?

  2. Eid Mubarak
    mohon maaf atas segala kesalahan ya Mbak..

    sun sayang utk model cantik dikartu ucapan ini yaaaa
    salam utk keluarga tercinta

    muah muah

  3. Eid-ul-Fitr Mubarak to you dear Fitri:)
    Thanks for sharing your Ramadan Favorites with us:)

  4. Selamat Idul Fitri ya Fit !!! maaf lahir batin. Gilole poto poto na jrengggggggggg. Apalagi si gelis yg pake mukena aduhhh cantik bgt..pengen nyium aja ichh.

    Kolak juga mau dongg

  5. Wow very nice and beautiful words.

  6. met lebaran yah....:) (meski belated)

    fotonya cantik bangett

  7. Dear All, Thank you for stopped by to my blog - I'm so sorry I wasn't much online lately. I will update my blog soon.

    Have a nice day, all..


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