Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer Berry Frozen Yogurt

One of simply recipes come from my kitchen again ... !! you see.. baking, cooking it's not as a scary as you think.. ^__^ keep it simply that's what I want and off course not make a mess

Any frozen summer fruits will work well for this dish. Let's try and you will never regret

And this is my entry for blog-event :'Frozen Yogurt' - A Cool Summer Event hosted by Siri, in her's page i found some good fact about yogurt .. and I re-write here *to remind me too, off course ^_^ *

5 more reasons to include yogurt in our regular diet:

1.Eat your way to fat-loss. International Journal of Obesity indicates that adding one or two servings of yogurt to your daily diet can help you maximize loss of fat and minimize loss of muscle.

2.Calcium in yogurt makes this a bone-building food. Also, lactoferrin in yogurt increases the growth and activity of cells that build bone.

3.Regular consumption of yogurt is proven to reduce vaginal yeast infections in women.

4.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that full-fat dairy foods like milk, cheese and yogurt may considerably reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. These dairy products are rich in a number of cancer preventing factors.

5.Consuming less than half-a-cup of yogurt twice a day, reduces the level of hydrogen sulphide that is responsible for bad breath. It also eliminates tongue-coating bacteria and reduces dental plaque formation, cavities, and the risk for gum disease.

Serves 6

350 gram frozen summer fruits or use fresh fruits if you desire (black berry, blue berry, strawberries etc.)

200 ml plain yogurt

25 gram icing (confectioner's) sugar

Put all the ingredients into a food processor and process until combined but still quite chunky. Spoon the mixture into six ramekin dish. Cover each dish with clear plastic wrap. And place in the freezer for about 2 hours or until firm

To turn out the frozen yogurts, dip the dishes briefly in hot water and invert them on to small serving plates. Tap the base of the dishes and the yogurt will comes out easily. Serve immediately.

Put some pistachio for garnish.. hhmmmm...


  1. giling mak............ seger bener!! habis nge weeding nih gw. makan ini frozen yogurt sip kali yah.
    mak, foto2 lo treat on my eyes nih. cantik2 pisan.

  2. Dwiana : Poto cakep ?? hiyaa.. sapa dulu guru nya qiqiqi..

  3. Syuka banget ama warna background merah/pink tua/fuchsia (duh bingung, warna apa sih namanya)..cakep banget..

  4. Wuiii segerrr...lagi summer gini paling enak niy. Foto-fotonya cantik Fit.

  5. Fitriiiii.... dooowwww... fotonya keren-keren, syukaaa banget aku subscribe ya..

  6. Anne : hiyaa.. gue juga buta warna hehehe

    Retno : Thank you dah mampir ya mba Retno

    Rita : thank you juga Rita..

  7. I just browsed through your blog, and it's really lovely! Your pictures are so nice, and the food looks really delicious :). I'll be back again soon!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :D

    Flour Arrangements

  8. I'd be honored if you used my recipes :). Thanks for asking, though.

  9. fitriiii...gue pengen nih ngeces, baru dateng dari berkeliling panas pisann..liat ini langsung deh ngilerrrr..:))))

  10. Mommy Nisaaaaaaaaa..
    itu foto tambah hari tambah cakep ;)
    gimana upgrade ke DSLR yak ;;)

  11. Gosh, these look so good.. *sigh*


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